Muse Alchemy

a somatic embodiment experience


Get out of your head & into your body

As a embodiment-focused somatic healing modality, Muse Alchemy™️ fosters your creative impulses to experience your body’s ability to heal itself through breath, movement, & self-expression.

This quantum healing technology uses the wisdom of 4 sciences—Western Anatomy & Physiology, Indigenous Storytelling, Tantric Energetic Mechanics, and Therapeutic Art Expression— to create a space where ALL of you is welcome here to quantum leap into the next evolution of your Soul 🌞🕊

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because here’s the no-nonsense truth…

We all have a body but not all of us LIVE in our bodies 🙃

Disassociating, chronically fatigued, constantly on the alert…

These are just some of the signs of a body in dis-EASE (i.e. disease)

And when we understand that the body is the sum storehouse of all your thoughts, feelings, & emotions, it’s no surprise there are untapped & undigested experiences desiring to be seen, felt, & expressed THROUGH the body.

Muse Alchemy™️ is an invitation to invoke the creator within to alchemize your life experiences into a living piece of art as you EXPAND into the next evolution of yourSelf 💃✨

Schedule your session today

Watch the Muse Alchemy promotional video above & feel the essence of this experience

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What Makes Muse Alchemy Unique?

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What Does a Muse Alchemy Session Entail?


Whether online or in-person, we’ll create sacred space to understand your present reality & hone in on the paradox that will help set you free


Emotions, trauma, & tools — oh my! You’ll be equipped with all the techniques to regulate, resensitize, & expand your nervous system and sensory perceptions beyond our time together


Music & movement are woven together to create a sacred space for your Muse within to express ALL that desires to be felt, seen, & heard


After moving & transmuting so much energy, we’ll reflect on your expansion & how you’re being called to embody it in your everyday life

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Schedule Your Session Today!

Select a session, your timezone, date & time, fill in your info, & confirm! Have questions? Send me an email ☺️

*BIPOC & Trans Scholarships available - 22% discount



Beneath the surface of the protective parts of trauma survivors there exists an undamaged essence, a Self that is confident, curious, and calm, a Self that has been sheltered from destruction by the various protectors that have emerged in their efforts to ensure survival. Once those protectors trust that it is safe to separate, the Self will spontaneously emerge, and the parts can be enlisted in the healing process
— Bessel A. van der Kolk, The Body Keeps the Score